Ritual Design
This is a basic outline of the nine points of a basic Wiccan ritual. Nothing is carved in stone and many do not use all of these points in every ritual. Remember, it is your ritual, personalize it. The most important point, and NEVER to be omitted, is to clarify your intention ahead of time. This is especially the case when your ritual will include performing a spell. Remember above all, "an it harm none...". Let no negativity enter your circle.
The nine basic points of the Wiccan ritual are:
Ritual Observance (on Sabbats and Esbats)
Energy Raising (during magick)
pages on each of these points coming soon.
Ritual Design Purification of Self Purification of Space Creating Sacred Space
Invocation Ritual Observance (on Sabbats and Esbats) Energy Raising (during magick)
Earthing the Power Thanking the Goddess and God Closing the Circle
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