On these pages you will find information concerning various aspects that you can use in your rituals and spell crafting.
Be sure to read the Rede page for the ethics of the Craft.
MORRIGAN BOOK BLESSINGHearken as the Witch's Wordcalls the Lady and the LordMoon above and Earth belowSky's cool blue and sun's hot glow,in this right and ready hour,fill these pages with thy power.May no unprepared eye seethe secrets which entrusted beto I who walk this hidden roadto find the Hearthstone's calm abode.Guardians from the Four Directions,hear me and lend Thy protection:may these truths of Earth and skiesshielded be from prying eyes.But to the Witches whose map this bemay the way be plain to see:and, through all the coming Ages,may we find home in these pages.So mote it be!Jack Veasey
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